Tuesday, February 1, 2005

this photograph is proof
(ps. emo entry comin right up)

and such is life

here i am,
eating a hunka hunka double fudge chocolate cake,
enjoying the broker by john grisham,
(also) enjoying my new wireless internet,
(whooop whooop whoop for being able to blog in my room)
and entirely not thinking about my essay that's due tomorrow

and life is such

(btw, i hope you enjoy this template as much as i do
i don't know, it feels so clean and green and kinda cute
me am likeying it so very much)


i know i've said i hate blogs that have huge ol unreadable chunks. well the tides have changed and here i am. chunka chunka chunka

i'd really like to think i'm apathetic, i'd really like to think i'm indifferent
and i'd really like to think it doesn't matter to me at all what's happening but it does. the stupidest things piss the living shit out of me and there are times you feel like shouting to no one at all fucks to you fucks to you all leave me alone but you can't because you're so terribly afraid of being alone. at the very core of you, you just want people to care. and they do and then you question yourself va what the fuck is wrong with you. and of course because i'm emo i say everything, everything's wrong. but nothing's really wrong you just think it is. but then somehow you can't bring yourself to really go out and find out or do anything particularly constructive so in the end you're just stuck at home blogging an emo entry whilst listening to some random taking back sunday song feeling sorry for yourself.

and it's the sorryest thing, to feel sorry for yourself.

and the thing is you don't want people to think oh balls she's upset oh no what's wrong because nothing is. nothing's wrong. to all friends and people who love me, nothing's wrong. but you see, nothing's right. everything's just fine. and just fine is actually good to some people, isn't it?

i am so turning into some emo-core punk kid

i need to Grow Up

audio: sherwood - please wait up for me

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