Tuesday, May 20, 2008

grad nite by akdov

my best best girls ♥

So AKDOV held their first party last Friday in celebration of graduation and everyone came out in full force in a show of our undying support/ friendship.

And for the free alcohol.

major roomie affection
my #1 drunkard

disney grrls reunited!

haha wtf kevin - dr x. much?
lol henry
cathy save meee

Being the cheap drunks we are.. Jane and I were at the 'oooooh pretty flowers and I! LIKE! YOU!!' stage quite a bit before everyone else. There was one point where we were completely immobile on the sofa, putting all our dead weight on tina (we love you xx).. And this was after one shot and two mixed drinks. OMG LIGHTWEIGHTS~

us taking apart kevin's outfit
and deciding it looks better on us

aw my taiwanese chicas ftw

half the AKDOV crew

We ended up for supper at the hard rock, wolfing down enormous plates of steak&eggs at 3a.m. With blisters the size of Sardinia.
We got home just as the sun was rising.. ready to wake up again in 3 hours for commencement. yay grad nite ♥