Wednesday, November 2, 2005

goodnight and go

so last night it was this at the house of blues:

it was really pretty good, and they all really do sound spanking awesome live
a 4-hour long concert, jammed pack with all the boys (one girl) on the fusion tour

sah and i felt a little out of place,
all you know. asian and all
but height-wise we seemed to fit in pretty easy, the place was chock full with like, 13-17 year old girls. with huge boobies. screaming very loudly.

(what, mosh? us?!! HA. HA. HA. riight)


a brief, extremely unprofessional and unnecessary assesment of the night:

proudly introducing our very own homeboys from right here in vegas,
panic! at the disco

brendon, brent, ryan & spencer
  • panic! at the disco: opening act. 9/10 - an extra 1 point for being sin city prowlers. and having an awesome sense of humour "it's great to be home.. i see a couple of familiar faces from high school. (cue screams).. but you all didn't even know me then! (cue awkward screams) and the lead singer is all geekdorable with his twitching and all.. they are going to be so unbelievably huge

    boy's night out

  • boy's night out: 6.5/10 - the keyboardist was like.. barely there. she looked like she was just pulled out from goodwill and placed on the stage next to the band. but thanks to sah, i found out that the drummer had really good technique. and the drummer had this "i just want to go home and chug booze. now" look. it was all good. but a bit too screamo for me

    motion city soundtrack

  • motion city soundtrack: 9/10 - awesome, awesome stuff. hello, mr lead singer with uncontrollable fan hair! i particularly liked them because they looked like they fell out of bed onto stage. also, the superexcellent keyboardist for motion city! jesus h. he was like.. doing gymnastics with his keyboard. flying in the air, and all that good stuff. they were so into their music, and it made you feel good to sing along with them

    the starting line

  • the starting line: 8.5/10 - i think they probably deserved a 9. but by the time they were on, we were thinking.... where the heck is fall out boy. a lot of guitar changes for them and on the whole the cutest band

    and of course,
    fall out boy

  • fall out boy: 9.9/10 - not even kidding. but mostly because of the unbelievable professionalism. the guitarist/spokesperson of fob (i think, pete?) attempted to stage dive.. but got carried up like 1 second later. the people at house of blues aren't quite into this whole stage dive thing i guess, even made an announcement about it. so.. er we think he got injured, and started bleeding. but still went on singing and dancing and jumping on this parapet and all that other good stuff. had to ice his nose for a bit though, but it was just like, what. 5 seconds?! so kudos to them for that. they look so much better live then on mtv, and the lead singer never once said anything, just hid behind his newsboy cap and sang his guts out. something very charming about his mysterious front (and an absurd amount of yelling motherfuckers! are you motherfuckers having fun! motherfucking fall! out!! boy!!!)
a random post, more so to remind me of the gig itself more than anything. damn house of blues and their crazy-ass security checks.. no live photos.. zzzzz

ash: nope the a-levels don't have to be considered at all if you don't submit it.
anon: i use picasa

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