Sunday, December 3, 2006

weekend warriors

Trashed a previous entry,
Funny as it was to me, something just felt a little awry in embedding it here.


Being us,
Of course we missed the Kcomp.
To our credit, it stated 10am - 5pm, and 2pm falls well within that frame. Apparently connie and josh said it had been long over by the time we arrived. Shame :[

We are such clichés.
Saturdays at the mall with girlfriends. But yes, exactly how our Saturday went down.
Pit stops at ethel m's to rest our weary feet between errands for helen at saks, angel at neiman marcus and everything else in between.

Please elmer my wallet shut.

Waiting for the slowpokes.


Saturday night's movie night!

We ended up watching Farewell My Concubine, with bowls full of grass jelly and marshie shuffling around our feet.

Revisited the classic which i saw when i was about 6. No surprise that i don't remember much, so i managed to be duly astounded (cue "OMYGOD NOO") at a fair amount that happened in the movie.

Leslie Cheung was incredible, as well as incredibly moving.

Tremendous art direction, a stellar cast, heartbreaking performances, and an all round beautiful film. Well worthy of it's spot on TIME's all-time 100 best films list.


On a completely different note,
I am now officially gankstah.
Or taking infant steps.
I friggin' scratched my first car! Er, minus the girlish squeals, keys from the owner and crude squats on the side of the road, it was pretty baller.
Thanks Chi "xixi" and your 06' Caddy CTS. Aw you know i'm sorry for your initial loss but now thrilled for my car-scratching gain. IM KIDDING DONT HIT ME

1 comment:

sarah said...

hello you my fam's going to be in town from 5th-15th, and that'd mean i might possibly miss you no? are you down to go out with me and 9 yr olds? was the last time i saw you in SAN FRANCISCO VA? :( you dont love me anymore.